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Healing Stones
Stone Mortar and Pestle

Soul Alchemy with Micaela


In 1:1 soul sessions, I hold space for you to connect with your heart, your body, your intuition, and your deepest desires so that you can live the fullest, wildest and most "you" life possible. I believe we are each our own greatest healer, and through Reiki energy healing, deep and intuitive listening, oracle and astrology readings, and various other integrative modalities, I facilitate opportunities for you tune in to the Divine Love within yourself, as it is from this place of inner connection and healing that our outer lives begin to transform as well. 

While I love diving into exploration in all areas of life, some topics I specialize in include:

Deconstructing Religious Beliefs (& Navigating Reconstruction); Grief and Loss; Relationships, Boundaries and Co-Dependency; Body Image and Self Love; Anger as Power (Especially for Women); Tapping Into Your Inherent Gifts and Creating a Life that Truly Lights You Up; Learning to Embrace and Dance Between Your Inner Masculine & Feminine


Deep Listening

For Wisdom, Insight, and the Voice of Love in Whatever YOU Wish to Bring to the Session

Tarot Card Deck

Reiki Healing

Connecting with Loving Divine / Source Energy

Zodiac Chart

Oracle Readings, Astrology, Other Forms of Divination

To Create Space for the Soul and the Divine to Speak and to Gain Greater Insight into Our Selves

Pricing & Booking Details

First-Time Visit: $35 (1 Hour)

Each Additional Session: $65 (1 Hour)

I also offer a six-session package (including the initial visit) for a discounted price of $300.

*$15 off one initial or regular session for referring a friend!

Suggested frequency of sessions is monthly, but feel free to book at your own discretion. 

I look forward to connecting with you!

The quintessential feminine Self stands at the center of the psyche and it is wild, meaning natural and free, and utterly wise. It is not 'something' we must strive to create. This Self is already fully present, burning strong and waiting for us to come into its presence.​


~Clarissa Pinkola estes

About Me

For much of my life, I have dealt with anxiety and struggled to connect with, much less trust, my self. And this mistrust has naturally extended to all of life. Growing up immersed in religion, being a woman in our current culture, and many other layers have also contributed to feelings of always needing to do things perfectly, to disconnect from my feelings, to be tame and "nice" at the expense of my own soul and truth, and to fit my curves into square boxes (as a means of survival, often times.) My own journey has increasingly involved dropping into my deeper self, listening to the gentle and fierce voice of Love that is somehow both me and beyond me, and undoing the layers of "shoulds" to let the Wild Woman inside be just that...wild. And complex. And exactly as she is, messy and beautiful and real. I do not approach this role as one who has life figured out, but I do extend an invitation to any whom my words resonate with, to embark upon this wild, beautiful adventure of discovering our deepest selves together...

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